Ilona gives weird vibes when it is live

Here is the thing I am NOT a carrie ann defender in the slightest(I do think she deserves to keep her job still though) but maybe the reason why Carrie Ann never overscores Ilona like she seems to do to everyone else(besides chandler) is because Ilona is ALWAYS giving her attitude and talking back to her.

I love Ilona in her packages and on TikTok but when she is live being interviewed she ALWAYS gives me off vibes, and kinda a bit of a mean girl vibe towards the judges because they are.... doing their job. I understand that she probably has a lot of emotions when being interviewed because she just finished dancing and there is a lot of emotions/ adrenaline coursing through her veins, but I see the judges almost as a coach, like you might not always agree with them but you have to respect them.

Also her acting like it was so preposterous that she hasn't gotten a 10 yet but everyone else has(dwight excluded because that is valid) like babe maybe there is a reason why you haven't gotten a 10 yet..

Also Carrie Ann giving her a 10 tonight kinda just seemed unauthentic to me and was just a "im sorry that I was mean last week to you here is a 10".

Even in this episode she kinda just seemed off and I little mean I dont know am I the only one thinking this?