For the Men

Just throwing this out into the void because I see so many men absolutely shamed and obliterated over this.

It’s FINE if you’re under 6 feet or even shorter than the people you’re interested in romantically.

It’s FINE if you’re balding/have thin hair/no hair/alopecia.

It’s FINE if you have a gut or a FUDA.

It’s FINE if you aren’t in finance or have blue eyes.

It’s FINE if you aren’t swinging around a donkey dick. Or even smaller than average.

It’s FINE if you don’t have it all together.

You are a human being. You will NEVER be perfect, and that is FINE.

People put WAY too much emphasis on other humans and it’s destroying self-esteem, confidence, and daily focus on what’s actually important.

Shit on me for this post if you want to, I don’t care. Keep being yourselves, men. Be YOU and quit apologizing or trying to make yourself something you’re not.