If you’re wondering why prismatic hunters seem stronger in pvp
This is not a post to bash hunters, just to explain exactly what is making them so strong in pvp. Specifically why some of their prismatic abilities preform very well.
Threaded Specter: It has enough hp to tank a grenade.
Weapon aim assist seems to proc aggressively when your sights are pointed at the threaded specter clone; it triggers when aiming down sights and hip-aiming.
Pairing the TS clone’s ability to appear on radar with smoke grenade’s detection-on-radar (although it pulses in and out of radar) allows for hunters to completely throw off enemy radar in close-quarters and close-medium range.
Winter Shroud (freeze dodge): Apparently there is a bug that will sometimes grant them damage resistance which should only work in pve (supposed to be disabled for pvp).
Storm’s Edge (Super): It does 2x more damage than a neutral thundercrash. It’s hitbox is also misleading because it’s not a 2d disc, it’s an oval that can reach opponents hovering over 6 meters above the super. It also has fast recovery and generous damage resistance.
Facet of Dawn (Prismatic Fragment): It drops 10 strength but powered melee hits (not final blows, hits) make you radiant. Powered final blows make you and nearby allies radiant.
Note: Radiance in pvp provides a 10% damage boost to weapons. It’s not much but it’s like rampage x1.
Hunters can trigger this with ease when using smoke bombs on opponents because they count as powered melee hits.
Facet of Solitude (Prismatic Fragment): Landing rapid precision hits emits a severing blast from the target that severs both the target and anyone caught in the blast. While transcendent, the blast is bigger.
Targets that are severed do less damage to you. This is why some of you feel like at times you do less damage than usual in the crucible.
This does depend on the weapon’s rate of fire. Some auto-rifles for example require more hits than others. Pulse rifles seem to proc at two bursts (if fully connected as precision hits, missing one round from a burst will not proc) but unconfirmed if higher RPM requires more bursts.
Pairing this with Khvostov 7G-0X, it makes triggering sever pretty easy as well as eliminating targets.