Help !My sister mental health is ruined due to bad boss in startup
My sister got selected in small startup as part of campus recruitment ,she is studying in 3 rd year ,they have 6 months of intern + full time offer . The college pushed the students to join so that they can flex She is getting 13k ,no leaves ,if we take any leave ,salary will be cut . Weekend they are giving assignmentsb
Now my sister works from 8am -8 pm ,no learning ,toxic boss ,she got scolded several times in meeting and disussion . They are not giving code acccess ,asking her to debug from source file in console !! She is developer ,but playing all roles like BA ,QA. Her boss is rude and ruined her mental health .
College is not helping ,they dont want to burn the bridge with company . They are saying to adjust ,my sister cannot study or prepare for exams .
what to do so that they can fire her ? Thats the only way she can get away