15-year novice finally upgrading my bag.

I started playing in ~2009 with buddies in college. We went and bought random discs and would go out once in a while and smoke and throw. Never cared about score or anything. When I moved back to Texas after college, I stopped playing mostly. I’d go out by myself 3 or 4 times a year and play 9 or 18 at one of the courses here. It wasn’t anywhere near as fun on my own. This went on for the next decade plus, until I few months ago I decided I really missed playing and just made an effort to go a couple times a month, and now I’m obsessed. Until this recent change, I’ve had the same 4 discs my entire playing career. I’ve got the disposable income, so I’ve been upgrading my disc selection based on recs from this sub and recs from the 2 disc golf shops I’ve visited over the past 2 months. Trying things out, seeing what I like, what works, what doesn’t, all that.

Started with a Wraith, Viper, Shark and a discraft Magnet. I’m officially retiring them. Now I have a Trail, Mamba, and a Doomsday Famine and Pestilence for distance drivers. Leopard 3 and Doomsday Blackout for the fairway. A Buzz, Hex and Rollo for my midrange. And an Avair and a Landmine, Bleak, Gloom and Area 51 all from Doomsday to mess around with near the basket.

What do yall think? Am I missing any necessities?