Frequent smudging when working with pencil/ charcoal in sketchbooks POLL
Hi everyone,
Im conducting some research on how big of a problem smudging is for artists who work with pencil/charcoal in sketchbooks.
The smudging can come from contact with another drawing on the other page, or from contact with the artists hand, or with another surface like the desk, when it is flipped around.
When I was drawing I noticed a huge problem with this, and it was annoying to keep track of where exactly I had drawn on each page, as I like to draw on both sides of a sheet. The storage of my completed drawings are also to worry about as I am nervous that it will smudge when I close my sketchbook.
As someone who likes to work in spiral sketchbooks that completely open for the versatility, this has been a huge downside for me. Has anyone experienced the same thing? If so, with what type of sketchbook? Size of the page, type of pencil, and even paper quality may also play into this; so let me know!