Driving well below limits
What is wrong with so many people that we are constantly stuck behind them doing unnecessarily slow speeds. It used to be every other day i'd find the odd knob head... its now a daily occurrence everywhere i go.
Todays bellend was driving at 37mph on a 60 road. Clear as day... dry as a bone... extremely good visibility...driving a fucking porsche... and proceeds to do 37mph for 7miles! For literally no good reason. They went faster in the 40 section before hitting the 60 and slowing down. Like, what the actual fuck?! Cant over take because of on coming traffic and the one attempt i did get they moved over to make it dangerous to over take so i didn't. Corners they could easily take at 80 (i dont condone speeding just making example cause theyre driving a porsche for fuck sakes) and they slow down to 30-35. What is wrong with so many drivers these days ?!
Before the "ItS nOt A tArGeT" comments start, doing 20mph+ below the speed limit in very good , clear and dry conditions with no one in front even close, is just a total display of incompetance and hesitance behind the wheel and you would absolutely FAIL a driving test hard for doing it. If it was icy, snowing, pissing it down or foggy id understand. So many people need to learn how to actually drive