People who haven't played Origins assuming 9 weapon types = boring says a lot about previous titles.

Title, and this to some extent is meant for people who tried Origins demo but never tried anything else but the default sword as well, since that's the only weapon with the usual DW charge based square-square-square-triangle attack type. Everything plays entirely different.

I would be bummed too if previous DWs only had 9 characters since the old movesets were pretty dry. Yes, there were 6 charge strings with EXs, but you end up just spamming your one best strings for 100+ times each stages and later installments had to rely on rock-paper-scissor weapon switching mechanic to artificially keep you from spamming the same thing like a robot and have a massive roster to compensate.

It says a lot that fans of the series who have never touched Origins would assume just 9 weapon types is going to be a disaster, because that's how it would be if it were previous titles.

When in reality, each weapon type in Origins easily equals to 3-4 previous DW weapons combined together in term of depth, with soldier tactics that actually function as extensions to your movesets on top.

Fists have 4 stances with all unique movesets, Chakrams have mechanics where you do more damage if you launch your attack perfectly timed after catching your returning chakrams, etc. and never before have DW weapons had these mechanical depths.

I'm an old fan myself, played every DW since DW2 and loved all of them, even DW9. I bought PS4 for DW9 and what a terrible choice it seems to be but I don't regret it. I love RotK and this series so much.

Wish old fans would give Origins a chance before they talk things out of wild assumptions. KT needs something to be successful in order to keep feeding back to the niche directions you guys want if that's gonna happen again one day, or risk collapsing Omega Force as a whole. They can't afford to fail another flagship DW and this new direction is proving to be received well by literally everyone except you guys. Why be like that?