Help interpreting a card

I'm fairly new to witchcraft and to divination. When I bought my Oracle deck, it was mostly so I could use the cards as prompts for shadow work. As I've practiced, my mind has been doing a lot of shifting around of beliefs and skepticism. I've since had some truly amazing and uncanny experiences with my deck -- some of them have shaken me down to my core, in the best ways.

I now rest somewhere between "guides/deities/spirits exist and are with me" and "deities are parts work made into symbols and our minds are powerful."

I'm working on releasing my need to know what's "real" in the sense that... maybe both things can be true at once.

Anyway! I had a really intense new moon ritual with myself last night. I intended to reach out to learn more about the energy/entity I've been feeling working with me. I immediately felt them with me, overwhelmingly, the moment I called -- the clearest knowing I've ever had.

Eventually I drew cards, with very simple questions: "who are you?" -- "why are you here?" -- and "how can I deepen our connection?"

The second two cards were clear as day, and exactly what I needed to hear.

But the "who are you" card... I can't quite wrap my head around it. Swipe the image for the guide book pages on this card. The card itself meant something to me when I saw it (but I'm very wary of creating a false narrative) but the description didn't resonate much.

I've been thinking about it ever since. My intention was very clear -- who are you? -- so I don't think I got my wires crossed in that way.

I'm hoping this community's collective wisdom might have some ideas that will stretch my own interpretations and help me grow. Whether deities, spirits, IFS parts... any insight is appreciated! Thank you in advance, and may you all find some joy in your day. 💜