[DIPLOMACY](RETRO) The Treaty of Regensburg & the Concordat of Viterbo

[Winter 1514-March 1515]

The King of France, Francis of the House of Valois-Angoulême, and the Holy Father Julius II have agreed to treaty and concordat under the mediation of his Imperial Majesty Emperor Maximilian of the House of Austria. The terms of this agreement are as follows;

  1. The excommunication of Georges d'Amboise will be lifted. He will not be restored as Papal Legate, however a new one will be appointed in his place.

  2. The Holy Father and the King of France agree to sign a Concordat in Viterbo with the following terms:

         (1) The Bishop of Rome grants the King of France the right to nominate benefice holders within the lands of France (and only France—not Italy or Avignon). His Holiness reserves the right to confirm these nominations.
         (2) France confirms the right of the Bishop of Rome to receive the incomes of the Holy Mother Church derived from France.
         (3) The Bishop of Rome retains the right to collect annates from benefices in France.
         (4) The Bishop of Rome recognizes the right of the King of France to levy a tithe upon the clergy of France.
         (5) The King of France affirms that the power of the Bishop of Rome, as the ordinary successor of the Prince of the Apostles, is not subject to any Church Council. 
  3. The Kingdom of France and her King Francis will commit forces to the Crusade against the Turks. The Church will contribute one million florins to cover French military expenses upon the signing of this agreement.

  4. Peace will be had between France and all members of the League of Monza according to the terms agreed to by those parties. It is understood that these are the terms with Milan and these are the terms with the Republic of Venice.