What’s a tactful way to tell someone they can’t be in your WhatsApp group anymore?

I’m the admin for our street’s WhatsApp group. Last week one neighbour moved out and yesterday I met the new neighbour who asked to join the group. So last night I removed the old neighbour from the group (as I have done with everyone that has moved out of the street over the years) and added the new ones.

Shortly after, the old neighbour messages me to say they’ve just received a notification they’ve been removed. They then say they would like to stay in the group because they “have quite a few friends in the road and would like to keep in touch with what’s happening”.

My feeling is no - the group is for things concerning the street and they don’t live in the street anymore. They can stay in touch directly with their friends in the road who can tell them gossip… (and probably complain about me being a meanie for not letting them stay in the group…) I also don’t think it’s fair to the new neighbours to have their homes’ previous owners lurking around.

The politics of WhatApp groups is a minefield - and I guess I broke some sort of etiquette by not telling them first they were going to be removed immediately before they got the notification - but I assumed it would be a non-controversial thing to remove someone when they left the street. 🤷🏼‍♀️

What’s the best way to phrase a response that doesn’t cause any offence or drama?

EDIT: To add, the neighbour wasn’t just randomly kicked from the group - they announced they were leaving the street the day before they left and everyone sent their well wishes over a couple of hours after.