Genuine Growth and JW Induced "stasis" Are Incompatible Bedfellows.
I honestly think this is what causes most of the friction we see being shared by people in this domain. Families, parents, children etc....especially.
Even those who fall foul of JW morality, and who find themselves being punished or shunned......are not allowed to "grow" in any kind of natural, organic sense. Society has its own way of frowning upon certain kinds of actions or behaviours, and in the natural order of things....birds of a feather tend to find eachother. It can sometimes take years or decades for a person to finally identify their own antisocial or destructive behaviours and decide that they want better things for themselves and a sincere "reputation" makeover which others will perceive to be genuine and earnestly meant.
But this, compared to the "repentant" cult-member who just wants their social life to be restored a different dynamic entirely.
And then there are the JWs who've just had enough of living in "stasis" and know that they have been greatly underutilising their own thinking abilities and are capable of absorbing and processing FAR MORE about life than their narrow, constrictive religious theology has been allowing them to do.
They instinctively know that they're a plant that's now outgrown the pot they find themselves in......and that their roots could go much deeper, and branches be spread much wider......if only they were allowed to finally be planted out in some fertile piece of ground big enough to accommodate them and their own true growth potential.
Yet the faith they're in wants to keep them small, as though they're some "bonsai" tree which looks like it has age and maturity, but a "look" is all this is, because it's roots and limbs have been regularly order to make it nought but a miniature, stunted version of what it has the "true" capacity to become.
These are my thoughts this morning.