Tales From the Mormon wasteland: Stake Conference.

Just a few notes from today.

  1. I stepped out to use the restroom and when I returned to my seat at the very back of the basketball court I heard the speaker taking about finding "real joy" through following Mormon Jesus. I scanned the faces of the congregation as I walked back. Literally all the faces I saw were miserable. Everyone else was scrolling their phones.

  2. 2/3 of the congregation were geriatrics/boomers. Even though several of our wards are in new developments with ample primary and young people.

  3. Many empty chairs in comparison to the last one I attended.

  4. I had hope as one speaker began his talk with the sermon on the mount....but quickly moved on to keeping covenants and temple attendance as the best way to serve God.

  5. Rusty quotes littered all the talks.

  6. One of the counselors in the SP told a story about being prompted to give a co worker that was "taking a break from Church" a BOM with his testimony in it and ask the coworker to pray about it. It was a very strong prompting. So he did it. That was two months ago and the coworker hasnt said anything yet, but the counselor said "I felt the joy". I thought to myself "that exmo co worker has the real restraint not to call him out on the bullshit

  7. The meeting started with a stated desire that those with failing faith might get answers. Yeah, no. The whole two hours was "stay Mormon", not be "like Jesus"

This is my report