43M chromatic aberration in L eye
In July I went to eye revision. Scanner said everything was fine.
They made me new glasses but left eye vision wasn't fine.
So I went back, I tried to explain that I had blurry vision on left eye. But since I was actually able to read all letters in the test they said I has a 100%vision with glasses.
(I was able, but blurry).
I feel I wasn't able to communicate properly my problem.
Today I noticed that while reading white letter over black screen, my left eye has a chromatic aberration on the upper side of the letters. Not corrected by glasses.
In the upper area I see a duplication of the letter in red (top), yellow and blue (bottom of the duplicated).
I also see (not always) rainbow halos around some electric lights. Sometimes they dissappear just by focusing properly on the source of the light.
Don't feel it's changing fast. All these started probably on Feb 2024 with very little progression (besides the fact that I recently noticed this clear chromatic aberration. Which probably was here before and was the reason I saw "blury").
I'm not sure if it's relevant but my right eye has much better vision 50% vs 10% in the distance reading test). And I used to wear glasses only at work. I read this might lead to a lazy eye in certain circumstances.
I got asked in the medical revision so just in case its relevant: I from time to time I see very small sparks, of about 2 seconds duration. No more than 2 or 3 on the whole day. Also I have a constant "something" floating on the eyeball, usually no more than one in a single eye (L or R).
I'm wondering if I should schedule a new visit for letting them know about this chromatic aberration I detected or if I should stick with my appointment for 2025 July.