Rattle Can, Can!

My son’s truck was front end wrecked at some point prior to my ownership. I knew this going in because it has a salvage/ rebuilt title….but was CHEAP. I’m okay with this as it was for a beginner driver. I’ve put some wrench hours fixing some problems but it has been a rock the last 3 years though.

The paint on the other hand has not been. The clear started to peel and then what appeared to be a watered down half coating of paint started to darken and fade.

Not having the money or desire to get a professional paint job, I decided to tackle it myself with a trusty rattle can and 2K canned clear. I was VERY impressed with the results. Definitely not a professional job and I was fighting the elements the last week but got her finished today.

Anyone else attempt a job like this with rattle cans? What was your experience?