Restricted from joining new FB groups for the last 2months. Not sure why and all the information I've read about a "temporary restriction" should have been lifted by now. Help?
Hey all,
So I'm facing an issue by being restricted from joining FB groups. I did join 3-4 in a day back when I was looking for certain buy/sell scuba gear.
I was restricted from joining any more groups, which is fair I guess. I get that that could be a red flag and all, so I researched and found most bans/restrictions are lifted within 30 days. I've been restricted for over 8 weeks now.
I've received no violation notices or anything, just a notification that I'm restricted from joining any further FB groups when I try to join them.
I'm pretty lost as to why this restriction would last so long, I've tried every 5 days to a week to join another group I'm interested in, but no luck.
I've made multiple posts in the FB community posts and searched this sub, but nothing that I found answered my question.
When I try to join a group, I get the error message " To prevent any misuse, we've temporarily restricted your ability to use this feature on Facebook. You can try again later".
How do I go about getting the restriction lifted?