A lot of opinions around “Messigate” are just backward
As a start I’m gonna say I was one of the lucky ones who got Messi. And I agree that players who didn’t get him have every right to be bitter and disappointed at EA’s incompetence and there should be some form of action to rectify this. But that’s way easier said than done. And it’s really likely that EA will never mention this again (like the hero pack fiasco a couple of years ago) but some of the tweets and posts about the whole situation have been utterly moronic imo. Here’s some of the common sentiments I’ve seen while looking through this situation;
Remove the Messi’s from people’s accounts Honestly, when has EA ever actively taken cards from player’s accounts? Maybe apart from when they ban them Also asking EA to punish innocent players who benefited from THEIR mistake is, as the title of this post says, backwards. As a community, we shouldn’t turn the anger at the devs towards the player base who did nothing wrong. I’ve seen these tweets coming from “community” accounts that post news and are meant for community interaction. Which what they post can quickly become the popular opinion, I’ve already had people immediately quit games once they’ve seen I have Messi.
People save packs to get nothing and people open ONE pick and get Messi guaranteed.
This one annoys me the most. People know that packing a TOTY is like winning the lottery and saving packs is a choice they make to increase their chances ever so slightly. But it’s never guaranteed. I saved about 75 big packs up myself and I got Xavi, good or not that doesn’t matter. But just because you’ve saved packs doesn’t mean you “deserve” a toty in the slightest. There has and always will be the player who just bought the game and packs R9 immediately, that’s how gambling works 😮
I’ve seen people who got Messi be called “Timmy’s” and “rats” which implies that the players did something wrong in doing the same sbc as everyone else, or that they don’t grind the game as much as others. I can guarantee that 99% of people who loaded up the game at 6pm (UK) and did that sbc know full well that’s when content gets refreshed and grind the game as much as everyone else. They just got lucky like anyone can. Again I’ve seen these posts come from supposedly “community” based accounts. Even going as far as framing creators who spend way more money than most people earn in a year on packs as the victims and people who are most hard done by. Meanwhile they’ve likely packed 1 or 2 TOTY’s already and also did the same pick everyone else did on multiple accounts.
In conclusion, I just think the community has to accept that it’s happened, EA will sweep it under the rug and never mention it again. They should be criticised for letting it happen but it’s not the first monumental mistake they’ve made and it definitely won’t be the last. It’s up to the players to decide weather they want to support that cycle and allow themselves to be affected by their incompetence. TOTY has been a showcase of how greedy EA are willing to be, like lowering the pack odds on release days and watering down the content massively. But people will still buy the points, still grind the game and will rinse and repeat this whole situation again when the next big mistake happens. I’m just gonna use this as a reminder to keep my interactions with the game healthy ones.
Thanks for reading all of this, I would ask if people are going to comment. Keep it respectful, discussion goes nowhere if it immediately gets hostile.