Identifying a Vague Rifle

Curious if anyone could help me narrow down a possible rifle based on some very vague information. Dad used to have a rifle I shot a few times that I have been trying to identify, though was about 15-20 years ago so don't have a lot of info.

The rifle was a bolt action with a higher caliber, possibly .308 or 30.06, with a wooden stock. If memory serves it was bought used and decently worn with a wooden stock, so was likely an older design. The most distinct feature on it was that the safety was located on the back of the bolt itself, and had to be flipped left or right to toggle the safety. If it helps the safety was pretty unreliable, and had a habit of firing the rifle as soon as the safety was disengaged.

I know its not a lot of info to go on, but if anyone can help narrow it down I'd really appreciate it!