Ginger and Turmeric tea caused pretty gnarly diarrhea?


TLDR is at the bottom of the post if you want it skip ahead lol.

So I have a suspicion my mental health and chronic fatigue is caused by some sort of inflammation. I read ginger can help with this so I figured I’d go try ginger tea. I read somewhere that ginger tea is often used for a variety of health concerns, so that’s why I brought myself here 😁.

I drank the tea, and I didn’t feel any better or any worse. Three hours later, after a few bites of dinner, I had a really gnarly episode of diarrhea. It kind of went away after a while though (still struggling a bit two days later). The diarrhea was accompanied by a gurgling noise (like a blob monster, NOTHING like the stomach makes when it’s hungry). No pain, just a gurgling noise and diarrhea.

Have any of you had a similar experience? I wasn’t constipated or anything by prior to this? The steeping method was a simple tea steeping bag in hot boiling water. I let the bag sit as I finished my tea (it was an herbal tea so). Maybe a “detox” symptom? Idk

TLDR: drank ginger and turmeric tea, 3 hours later had dinner which resulted in diarrhea and a gurgling noise from my stomach.