Swaminarayan : Harsh Reality Of Women

  1. Women Are Excluded from Spiritual Roles Shikshapatri 175: My followers shall never hear religious discourses from the lips of a woman, nor shall ever meditate upon the form of a woman.

  2. Widows' Spiritual Practices Restricted Shikshapatri

163: A widow shall serve God with the same loyalty with which she served her husband and shall always remain under the guidance of her father or son, but shall never behave independently.

  1. Women Are Property, Not Equals Vachanamrut Gadhada III-22: "A woman should always remain under the control of her father before marriage, under the control of her husband after marriage, and under the control of her son after her husband's death."

4 Satsangi Jeevan, Chapter 37:

On the first day of menses, she is said to be a Chandali, on the second day the killer of a Brahmin, on the third a washerwoman and on the fourth day she is like a Shudra.

5 Gadhada 1-68: Bhagwan Swaminarayan discusses how even pure-minded individuals can falter when associated with women, reinforcing the notion that women are inherently linked to moral failings.

6 Shikshapatri, Verse 173:

No woman shall bathe without having clothes on and shall never conceal her periodical menses