I’m so done buying expensive hens from people. Ugh.

I had a friend that wanted a specific breed of bird. He found someone who was selling his flock, but the flock was a mixed breed and he didn’t want the rest. He asked if I’d buy the remainder and I said sure — I mean, I like eggs so a few more won’t hurt.

I take possession of them and fork over $20 a bird. These hens are of laying age so I should get eggs right away. Seems reasonable, right? Wrong. All these birds are molting.

Okay cool, so I’ll just wait it out. We’re getting into winter so maybe won’t get any eggs from them until spring but they’re sweet hens. Annoying but whatever.

Well. One died today. And I’m so f’ing annoyed. Is it sad? Sure. But I dished out $20 for a 3-4 year old bird, fed her for a few weeks (free range, not much feed), and she dies. I don’t know why she died, but I found her in the coop this morning. She always seemed kinda slow and yesterday she seemed fine. I think she was just old and cold.

Regardless. I don’t know why I’m paying $20 a hen when I can buy the breed I want from a hatchery for a few bucks and then raise them to egg laying age for significantly less than buying a “laying” hen. Never again. I’ll buy chicks in the spring and feed them for a year on $25 until they lay.

Ugh. I’m so frustrated.