Are we doing the right thing?

My mom has been in the hospital for 1.5months now because of restrictive lung disease. She spent most of it in the ICU: intubated for 2 weeks, on NGT, then had tracheostomy, was being weaned off but her pulmonologist has diagnosed her as ventilator-dependent. On top of that, she's also on dialysis 3 times a week.

We were able to move her out of the ICU into a normal hospital room as there really was no need for her to be closely monitored, she just needed to be weaned off from the ventilator. Most of the time that she's awake, she's lucid. But we noticed she started forgetting things: where she is, why she's here, what happened yesterday. It's been saddening to see her slowly become less of her self as she was always the one with sharp memory. Most nights she's awake and spends most of the day sleeping. She's underweight and her leg has been in constant pain, which is addessed by pain meds.

The doctor has dicussed with us it was best we transition to palliative care as she isn't really improving and there isn't much we can do for her but keep her comfortable.We want to take her home but where we are, mech vent rentals are expensive. Transporting her to the dialysis center with a mech vent is also expensive and asks for a lot of time and effort. Now, we've considered stopping her dialysis treatment so she doesn't have to go through the tiring process of it all.

We've been asking her what she wanted to happen and she'd give varying answers. She'd say she's tired and dont want to do it anymore. then when she falls asleep and wakes up again, she'd say she still wants to go through dialysis. We see her quality of life declining and we want to just let her be as rested and pain free so we want to defer dialysis and just make her comfortable. Is that the right thing? We are on the fence because she does say she wants to still go...

Any insight on his would be helpful. Thank you.