Yeah...this is a hard pass for me

Love Cholula. Green is probably one of my top sauces. Regular is a standby. The sweet habanero is straight up drinkable deliciousness. But this...this monstrosity is the first hot sauce I've ever had where I seriously considered tossing it. The lime and tequila are so aggressively strong. It hits you with a straight alcoholic bite. The closest flavor I can think of is bud light lime but not as sweet. So just picture the lime profile of bud light lime with a sharper alcoholic bite and then a little burn on the backend. Yeah, not good. No mouth burn either, only throat. Pepper flavor? Non-existant to my taste buds because the tequila and lime are just so strong.

So yeah could maaaaaybe work in some unique situations but it'd be few and far between for me.

So what other sauces do you guys find totally awful? My only other was the Tingly Ted Xxtra tingly. I'm sensitive to ginger flavor so that's all I could taste in that stuff.

Love Cholula. Green is probably one of my top sauces. Regular is a standby. The sweet habanero is straight up drinkable deliciousness. But this...this monstrosity is the first hot sauce I've ever had where I seriously considered tossing it. The lime and tequila are so aggressively strong. It hits you with a straight alcoholic bite. The closest flavor I can think of is bud light lime but not as sweet. So just picture the lime profile of bud light lime with a sharper alcoholic bite and then a little burn on the backend. Yeah, not good. No mouth burn either, only throat. Pepper flavor? Non-existant to my taste buds because the tequila and lime are just so strong.

So yeah could maaaaaybe work in some unique situations but it'd be few and far between for me.

So what other sauces do you guys find totally awful? My only other was the Tingly Ted Xxtra tingly. I'm sensitive to ginger flavor so that's all I could taste in that stuff.