Loving the game, but the update broke it a bit

Hey, as a Newplayer, I just wanted a to say that I Love the game. I've been on a crush for 6 weeks now.

I liked that you had to optimize stuff in order to farm well, to have enough accuracy and so on.

The owl broke it a bit for W1 since the bonuses were huge enough to completely bypass most difficulties. Hopefully it stopped in W2 where I've been struggling with accuracy at the very end and had to optimize my stats. I was starting to feel like I need to git gud again in the middle of W3, but that was before the vault and free 30% update.

Now with the free 30% afk gains and the busted vault, I feel like everything is so, so, soooo easy... While I get it was supposed to be a gift for new players, I feel it the other way around. Eveything feels so easy that's it's not a matter of optimizing, it's only about patience. I.e, before I had to put my archer to farm a certain ressource because he had the max accuracy, therefore max per hour gain, my squire was my pusher because of his sur av ability, despise him being slower, etc

Now everyone on par, everyone is busted.

I get that the bonuses may not be gsmecjabger for an endgame player, but I feel like they are way too much for a beginner: with just a few gold coins you quadruple your damages and goes from medium accuracy to 100%

Anyway, thank you lava for the great game. Definitely the best idle game I have played by a HUGE margin. I just feel its became too easy/fast now

Edit : Sorry many typo, smartphone + 5am post

Edit 2: My post got many reactions, it would take too long to reply individually, but I've read everything. All in all, some of you say that it's just a temporary godmode since the next wall will be there soon enough. Some also agree with my take (endgamers included).

I hope you are right and I will feel the struggle again, but the difference damage / gold / farm wise is just abysmal compared to what I've built up in 6 long weeks of farming and optimizing. My progression has been mostly linear until the update (and I liked that!). It's been slow but sufficient. I had to make decision on what stat to prioritize and so on. To give number :

  • in 6 weeks, my best char got up to ~15k damage. ~10-12 gold pieces/ hours (best gold spot) ~37% afk gain rate.

Now in 5 mins and a few golds, it went up to (and it's just getting started) ~145k damage ~2+ blue pieces/hours ~69% afk gain rate

It is just too much. In one or two days, this will probably double or more. I just feel like I have wasted time during these 6 weeks, since all this time was giving such low rewards (stats) compared to this feature.