KC Jackassery continues
I knew moving to the city was going to include more traffic noise and more noise in general, but this level of blatant assholery recently has made living in the city a nightmare, which sucks because I love my apartment. The ATVs, the drunk drivers doing donuts in the intersection and almost hitting pedestrians, the almost nightly wake up from douchebags orevving their engines and blaring their music, etc.
I wish I had gotten this vehicle on camera, but I couldn’t get to the window fast enough. I don’t think it really matters because KCPD doesn’t do shit about it, despite all their funding.
Newsflash to the people who participate or back this shit up: you’re not cool, no one thinks you’re cool, we are all just sleep deprived and hate your guts. You’re obviously compensating for something, but keep your Darwinian failures to yourself.
My partner is on the verge of resorting to vigilante justice.