The song from the pond - czech and english lyrics if you care for it

Wont spoil anything but at the start of KCD2 there is a scene with girls singing while doing laundry. Its one of my favorite pieces of music in KCD2 so I transcribed the lyrics and got two english translations: one is literal, the other tries to rhyme a bit

Czech original

Panna stála na rynku
Vítr zved j sukýnku
Dědci usmívaj se
Rádi podívaj se
Haleluja domine

Panna v poli na chvilku
Rozhalila košilku
Vidět byl jen kousek
Báby křižujou se se
Haleluja domine

Panna je u oltáře
Kleká si před faráře
Potěj se mu dlaně
Jak jí kouká na ně
Haleluje domine

Panna je u muziky
Směje se na chasníky
Ty jen pijou jedí
Panna sama sedí
Haleluja domine

Králi kupče rybáři
Nevoď pannu k oltáři
Vždyť byste ji svélkli
Jen kdybyste řekli
Haleluja domine

Sad Maiden I

The maiden stood in the marketplace, The wind lifted her skirt a bit.
The old men smile, They're happy to take a look.
Hallelujah, Domine.

The maiden in the field for a moment, Unbuttoned her blouse.
Only a little bit was seen, The old women cross themselves.
Hallelujah, Domine.

The maiden is at the altar, Kneeling before the priest.
His palms are sweating, As he looks at them.
Hallelujah, Domine.

The maiden is at the dance, She laughs at the young lads.
They just drink and eat, The maiden sits alone.
Hallelujah, Domine.

Kings, merchants, fishermen, Don't lead the maiden to the altar.
You'd undress her, If only you'd just ask.
Hallelujah, Domine.

Sad Maiden II

The maiden in the square did stand, The wind, her skirt began to fan.
The old men grinned, a gleam in their eye, Enjoying the view as the breeze flew by.
Hallelujah, Lord on high!

The maiden in the field, Unbuttoned her blouse, just slightly. A tempting view,
The old wives crossed themselves, "It's true, it's true!"
Hallelujah, Lord on high!

The maiden kneels, the altar near, Before the priest, she shows no fear.
His palms grow damp, his gaze does stray, At what's revealed in a subtle way.
Hallelujah, Lord on high!

The maiden at the dance so bright, Laughs with the lads throughout the night. They drink and feast, ignore her plea,
The maiden sits there, lonely, she.
Hallelujah, Lord on high!

You kings and merchants, fishermen bold, Don't lead the maiden, young and gold, To altar steps, for all to see
You'd have her bare, with a simple decree!
Hallelujah, Lord on high!