My girl friend decided to call me early this morning

I (35m) wake up at 6:15 am for work, then drive an hour and fifteen minutes to Detroit. My girlfriend (27f) lives in Ohio and usually wakes up later for work, around 10 - 11 am. We usually see each other on the weekends but sometimes we skip weekends to save on money, or if one of us is busy, or if we saw each other a lot the week before (to keep things light) usually during the week our texting is pretty light. A few times a day, sometimes a heavy moment at night. She will usually call me a couple times per week, generally at night time but I noticed lately she will call during the day to tell me she misses me. Well this morning on my way to work I felt my phone buzzing and when I looked and saw it was her I audibly gasp/smiled. Now I’m at work and my day feels so good, just because she called me this morning. It makes the whole day better. I feel more energized. More comfortable at work. Excited about my day. I just thought I would share that. I love her so much.