Is Comic Marvel Zombies too dark and extreme to be adapted in MCU?
Considering Marvel Zombies series is coming out later this year, I hope they start something fresh and maybe adapt a less horror and lighter version of something closer to this at least since What If Zombies were pretty unappealing and boring imo
It was basically regular zombie survival story with Marvel skins just. Not to mention, it has too much jokes for apocalypse type scenario.
Best part of original Marvel Zombies was that heroes still had their memory and logic. They cursed their existence but couldn't stop since they were lusted by hunger. The whole feeling of brutality, dread and lost battle scenario made it really fun and unique story.
Them keeping most of their intelligence made it far more interesting too like they are working together to defeat enemies and villains with sole purpose of eating them this time like Iron Man and Ant Man building amplifier device to defeat Galactus through powers they gained from eating Silver Surfer. Zombie Heroes defeating Galactus at the end and gaining cosmic power to eat different galaxies was really twisted and unique ending