Advice on Conservative Treatment of Nasal Septal Perforation

I am a M in 20-30s with a .5 cm anterior nasal septal perforation due to nose picking that I have had for about 6 years. When the perforation scabs over (2x/day), I gently blow or pick the scab because of annoying breathing difficulty. With no scab, I have an inspiratory whistle. Neither situation is optimal and I would ideally like a way to form a stable scab that prevents whistling, but is not large enough to obstruct breathing. I would settle for a perforation with no scab that whistles, but does not obstruct breathing.

Do you have any advice?

I have tried washing out with water until bleeding stops, but a scab inevitably forms. I have not tried anything else and do not think the problem is significant enough to warrant surgery. Thank you for your advice.