Need help with frustration

Every single time I work in chemistry, I feel like I'm losing my mind. It's not just me, literally the entire lab avoids chemistry like the plague ever since we got Roche Cobas Pros. I don't think there are any other analyzers that are worse than these pieces of crap. Granted, I've only worked with these and Vitros, but from talking to the other techs it's clear that these "analyzers" are screwing over our patients.

A few weeks ago, they gave a positive result for propoxypene on an OB patient. The patient swore up and down she wasn't on this drug and asked for a rerun. Lo and behold, we run it on the other analyzer, it's negative. So these pieces of garbage just give out whatever result they feel like?

Since we got these, we've failed 3 times as many proficiency tests as before. They're making our lab look like a joke. With all this in mind, does anyone have any advice for working in chemistry and not getting insanely frustrated?

I find myself almost unable to think because I'm so frustrated and angry. Either the screen is lagging, or it crashes for no reason, or QC fails for no reason, one thing after another. It never stops. Any advice for keeping a cool head is welcome.