I feel so alienated from the rest of the CoD community because I think MW19 was the best CoD in the last decade
While I’ve enjoyed several different CoDs in the last decade, I feel like in all of the other CoD subreddits everyone believes MW19 was such a stain on the franchise. As a CoD player since 2007, I think MW19 was the closest to OG CoD we’ve gotten since.
Some things MW19 did that separated itself from other CoDs: - The gunplay and animations were the best gamers have experienced in any FPS. - I’ve begun to believe that dead silence should not be a perk (or even a field upgrade, although the footsteps were a tad too loud for that in my opinion) - They gave us big team battles - The attention to detail was impressive - For the most part the character and gun skins were grounded and fit the aesthetic - The maps tried to be something different than the typical and recycled three lane maps - The gameplay didn’t try to be catered towards ADHD gamers who need to move insanely fast all the time, it took some thinking about how you want to approach your next move
My only gripe would be the matchmaking, which is another can of worms all together. But I just feel so alienated from the rest of the CoD community for this opinion. And it makes me feel disappointed because I believe it makes my thoughts within the minority, and less likely to get a CoD with similar design in the future.
This is just an opinionated rant, but what do you think?