Suggest me an album based on my preferences!
When I listen to music, I like to listen to full albums, because I feel that they are a better more full experience than just a spattering of singles. I want you guys to suggest albums that you think I may like based on my unsorted list of 10 "no skip" albums that I enjoy.
Around the Fur - Deftones
Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard
Like Clockwork -Queens of the Stone Age
End of Suffering - Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes
Punk in Drublic - Nofx
Self titled - Audioslave
Sex, Death and the Infinite Void - Creeper
The Artist in the Ambulance - Thrice
Self titled - Royal Blood
.5: The Gray Chapter - Slipknot
I will listen to every album suggested and come back with my thoughts on it. Thanks guys!