Granny Smith coulda been so much better
Granny Smith has never made sense to me. Her cutie mark is a pie, which has never seemed relevant to her character. And (though this point is not fully thought out) unlike most ponies, her name doesn’t exactly correlate with her talent, other than the fact it’s apple related. I think there was a real missed opportunity to make her talent/cutie mark zap-apple themed. In the episode “family appreciation day” she is shown as a younger version discovering and cultivating the zap-apple farming practice. If the point of the episode had not been about Applebloom underestimating her, I think making her younger in the memory, earning her cutie mark via the zap-apples would’ve been a fun idea. The idea is not entirely thought out, and I apologize if this is an idea that’s come up here before, but I’d like other opinions on this idea, or anyone to build off of it!