Names with a ya-sound

When I first heard the name Rania, I gasped and immediately picked it for a future daughter. To my Swedish ears, it had the wild and grounded Ronja Robbers daughter-vibes, but I had never heard it before. I recently read that an English speaker had a similar experience with the Swedish name Arvid, reminding them of the name David but with a twist. It felt just like that.

However, a decade or so later, I had the great unfortune to stumble into a friend group containing one of Swedens few Ranias. So, I'm looking for anything that might give the same vibe; Vanya, Freya, Sonia etc... Even Miriam has that Ya-sound, so all suggestions welcome!

Edit to add: There's tons of reasons why I don't want to use the name anymore, but the biggest is: I don't want to use it.