The election has claimed yet another victim (long vent)

Hi everyone, I’m writing this because I need somewhere to vent aside from my wife and my therapy session is not until the end of the week.

I am a white male and I am married to a Latina woman (this is important), and today I have decided to make the decision to go NC with my parents due to the election. For some context, I would be considered the black sheep in the family for a few reasons. 1) I have married outside of my race and 2) I am the only left leaning person within my blood family. While my family had always been right leaning they really began to go hard into the Alt-right borderline worshipping of Trump and his associates.

I married my wife in March of 2020, and for the first year, things were ok. Then J6 happened and my wife made a post regarding her thoughts on it. My family from both my mom and dad’s side came after her while some did defend her and her right to her opinion. We got married and for a while things were ok. Unfortunately the times where my wife tried to be vulnerable to my parents regarding various things but especially the racism she experienced was met with them excusing it for something else or just brushed off completely. After a while my wife said she couldn’t take my parents anymore given the reasons listed above. I admit that I took the role of a peacekeeper rather than a good husband and I have made efforts and still make efforts to be more assertive. Instead of sticking with her and saying she’s right I did maintain contact with them. My wife has said multiple times how while she will not have contact with them, she will not interfere in whatever kind of relationship I have with them.

With all that happening over the past almost 5 years we flash forward to this weekend. With all the rhetoric coming from now President Trump, especially when it came to the Latino community my wife and I had a serious conversation about everything going on and she brought up the valid point of me being married to a Latina and yet still speak to and keep in contact with those who actively voted against her as a woman, a Latina, and most importantly what they should consider family. And that had me thinking about what my relationship with them really should be. Then Inauguration Day came with the stunt Musk pulled, and despite me using Facebook and IG for memes and music/ concert information I decided to post about it. My mom decided to DEFEND it with everything from “Roman Salute” to “Oh well he has Asperger’s”. I have decided enough is enough and am now making the preparations to go completely NC.

With all that said I wish I grew a spine to do it sooner. It would have saved me so much time and energy than to worry about maintaining all the relationships that were harmful.

Sorry for the long rant just needed to write it out.

EDIT: I had the timeline of J6 wrong so I went in and corrected it.