1080p DLAA vs 1440p DLDSR + DLSS - Rtx 3070
Hi, just wanted to know what's the best option to use between 1080p DLAA 1440p DLDSR + DLSS Performance 1440p DLDSR + DLSS Quality for my Rtx 3070 on a 1080p monitor. On No Man's Sky, 1440p DLDSR + dlss quality offers superior quality over dlaa on 1080p, though there's some scenarios where it goes below 60 which is pretty noticeable and something I want to avoid. Therefore I thought about 1440p DLDSR + dlss balanced in order to gain that little bit of performance to stay above 60 in those very demanding scenarios, which 1080p dlaa can achieve. After comparing DLSS balanced on 1440p and dlaa on 1080p tho, i can't come to a conclusion. Took some screenshots and saw that there's places where dlaa looks better (such as average distant and some far objects), while there's others where DLSS looks better (such as close and very far objects). I noticed ghosting both with DLAA and DLSS, while dlss balanced appeared to introduced minor artifacts, so I was wondering... should DLSS balanced along side with DLDSR on 1440p theorically give better image quality over 1080p dlaa and still perform about the same? or would you just recommend 1080p dlaa?