Any folks with incredible sibling relationships and still chose OAD?

My partner and I both have incredible sibling relationships - we are really close to them, rely on them for so many things, and recognize that these relationships are different in nature than even our closest of friends (not better, just different).

However, for many of the common reasons (wanting to balance our own identities with our parental ones, spending the right amount of focus on our child without burning out, having capacity to strengthen relationships with extended family, not taking the risk of pregnancy again, etc) we are leaning heavy towards OAD.

We'd love to hear from folks in similar situations - how have you reconciled being both grateful for the sibling relationships you have and closing the chance (though not guaranteed) for your own child to have the same thing? For those with older children, did watching your close relationship with your siblings make your child feel more FOMO about siblings of their own?