Finding out parts is a thankless job

I 23 M is a parts manager at a boat dealer in NC and just gotta vent parts is the most thankless job I’ve ever done only time the owner or anyone else ever comes and tells me how I’m doing is if there is an issue, I recently submitted a report showing the various whole sale companies I’ve established relationships with in order to save the company money on things like shop supplies and example butt connectors we used to pay over 45 cents per connector and have found a place to buy them for 8 cents did a trial run with them with the techs and they loved them just purchase 2000 today to the tune of 150 dollars plus 11 dollars shipping it never got acknowledged never even a good job. I’m not the first parts manager and the company I work for has a bad history of sloppy inventory management and I’ve been tasked on fixing 20 years of fucked up inventory, it’s things like parts that were ordered in 2010 that never got billed or taken out of inventory they wanted it done in 2 weeks, basically having to count all of my inventory then going through a report of what’s not been sold within a year while also, managing orders, pulling service parts, finding other boat parts for repair, dealing with customer parts orders, ordering, receiving,billing, checking stock, taking phone calls, and helping sales I’ve never been so stressed and felt so shitty at my job if my dad wasn’t an owner I would’ve left by now but I’ve been doing this for 3 years before I was detailing boats, idk what I would do I’m still in college because I work 7 to 5 and can’t do in person classes and kinda want to get into sales like at gm or Toyota, I know other parts guys who have agreed being a parts person is thankless, I used to work in fast food and because I don’t look down or act rude to fast food workers, I will never get surly with a service person ever because of the shit I’ve dealt with.