Least Favorite Pokémon Survey - RESULTS

A couple of days ago, I posted a survey asking what everyone's least favorite Pokémon was (inspired by u/mamamia1001's previous findings).

So, I'd like to first congratulate this community for being such a loving one. About 1,800 people voted for their least favorite Pokémon rather than the 52,000 who voted for their favorites. That's a retention rate of 3.5%. Regardless, I'd like to thank everyone who was willing to spread their hate and participate in this survey.

View the full results here or the basic ranking info on Pastebin. Now for some highlights.

Although the number of voters scarcely doubled the total number of Pokémon, the range of disdain was relatively diverse. A total of 399 Pokémon received at least one vote. That's 49.3% even with such a minute sample size.

Now, I present to you the top 10 most hated Pokémon of all time:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Charizard 105 1
Jynx 95 2
Pikachu 44 3
Bruxish 41 4
Zubat 40 5
Aromatisse 31 6
Mr. Mime 30 7
Garbodor 28 8
Crabominable 28 8
Landorous 27 10
Incineroar 27 10

I also took the liberty of finding out which Pokémon were the most disliked per each generation.

Gen 1:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Charizard 105 1
Jynx 95 2
Pikachu 44 3
Zubat 40 4
Mr. Mime 30 5

Gen 2:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Stantler 17 1
Dunsparce 13 2
Smoochum 11 3
Sunkern 10 4
Unown 8 5

Gen 3:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Luvdisc 18 1
Pelipper 17 2
Wingull 11 3
Blaziken 8 4
Volbeat 5 5

Gen 4:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Lucario 15 1
Purugly 12 2
Probopass 10 3
Rhyperior 9 4
Arceus 9 4

Gen 5:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Garbodor 28 1
Landorus 27 2
Stunfisk 23 3
Simisear 22 4
Vanilluxe 20 5

Gen 6:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Aromatisse 31 1
Barbaracle 18 2
Klefki 18 2
Diggersby 11 4
Slurpluss 11 4
Binacle 11 4

Gen 7:

Pokémon # Votes Rank
Bruxish 41 1
Crabominable 28 2
Incineroar 27 3
Zeraora 11 4
Gumshoos 10 5
Blacephalon 10 5

And here are the percents of the total vote that each generation received (14% per gen would make them equal):

Gen Percent
1 27.5%
2 8.3%
3 8.5%
4 9.3%
5 21.7%
6 9.5%
7 14.9%

Now for the most hated Pokémon by type (dual-typed Pokémon count towards both their types):

Type Pokémon # Votes
Normal Stantler 17
Fighting Crabominable 28
Flying Charizard 105
Poison Zubat 40
Ground Stunfisk 23
Rock Barbaracle 18
Bug Buzzwole 8
Ghost Blacephalon 10
Steel Klefki 18
Fire Charizard 105
Water Bruxish 41
Grass Sunkern 10
Electric Pikachu 44
Psychic Jynx 95
Ice Jynx 95
Dragon Druddigon 10
Dark Spiritomb 5
Fairy Aromatisse 31

And here's a miscellaneous category:

Category Pokémon Votes
Base Starter Bulbasaur 4
Pseudo-legendary Dragonite 5
Legendary Landorous 27
Ultra Beast Blacephalon 10
Tapu Tapu Koko 5
Mythical Zeraora 11
Eeveelution Sylveon 5

Finally, I decided to compare the results with u/mamamia1001's favorite pokemon survey.

How loved even the top ten least favorite Pokémon truly are:

Top 10 Least Favorite Pokémon Rank on Favorite Survey
Charizard 1
Jynx 286
Pikachu 44
Bruxish 573
Zubat 292
Aromatisse 595
Mr. Mime 187
Garbodor 344
Crabominable 687
Landorous 770 (2 votes)
Incineroar 214