I need Nurse Joy :(

I have been grinding for revives for like 2 months now but I cannot seem to get anywhere near enough to get my crew back in shape. I have been using the trick of powering them up to get 1hp extra so I can heal them, but I have a ton of them that I use for battles that I can’t power up anymore.

Tried a whole day of spinning gyms and reviving as much as possible but I still have like 50 fainted mons

Reminded me of the old games where you could bring your team into the hospital (Pokecenter? I don’t totally remember what it was called) and Blissey would heal them.

I would be soooo happy if you could even just have a Blissey max revive 1 Pokemon per day

Anyone else have this issue? Or any suggestions? I send and receive like 20 gifts a day but only get a couple revives out of that it seems