Opinion on paying for dates

I'm curious to get everyone's opinion on paying for dates in the poly space. A little about why I'm asking. I've been poly for years but had to take a break for a long while because life got too busy. I'd been burned several times by the infamous "foodie" dates. Dates showing up with another partner without discussing it with me, ordering 2 or 3 days worth of food, pulling out the phone and ignoring me after ordering the food, etc. Now I have a hard rule that first time meeting up, we meet up over coffee. That's it. I'd say roughly half of the people I start to arrange dates immediately try to talk me into an expensive dinner. Then they seem offended when I explain that is something I do for someone I've been seeing a while. Not someone I'm meeting for the first time. I even had 2 people say some version of "if you are broke just so say so". I've been earning deep into the 6 figures for about 7 years now. Its not about the money. I just dont want to be a sugar daddy. It's at a point I don't talk about what I do for work or much about my personal life because I don't want someone assuming I'm just going to pay for dates or buy them stuff. Which I've had my fair share of people of straight up asking me to take them shopping. Am I being unreasonable for saying I'm not paying for anything beyond a cup of coffee unless I know for sure the person I am talking to is interested in me and not what I can do for them?