Timing of Fajr Salah and Western schedule
Thoughts and Opinions??
Quote from Farhad Shafti:
“We sleep with every intention to wake up for fajr prayer. However if we unintentionally miss it then we should not feel guilty because God does not expect something beyond our capability from us. We should then read it as soon as we wake up. While one may use tools like alarm clock to wake up for fajr prayer, I do not see it a religious obligation to use such tools and do not see any problems with not using it and leaving it to the nature.”
There are some scholars (not many) who argue that the idea of the fajr prayer was to start the day with praying, not to interrupt our sleep, reading a prayer while sleepy, and then go to bed again. They argue that at the time of the prophet people used to sleep very early and wake up very early as well, and that this pattern is not practical with the current working conditions of the majority of people. They then suggest that the time of Fajr prayer at our time needs to be adjusted so that it takes place at the start of a typical start of a day for people today (e.g around 7:00 AM). At this time all I can say about this is that they have a point worthy of consideration and further discussion.”