Top pet peeves about customers?
Curious if these are pretty universal!
My wife and I were discussing this the other day. She works Deli, I’m meat.
My top 5 in no particular order:
Instacart shoppers tossing my entire meat case scanning codes instead of just looking at the packages for what they need.
Customers with sunglasses on coming up to me “hey bud, where’s/can you?” might make a separate sunglasses post 😡
People with earbuds in asking for help to find things then keep saying “huh?” because they can’t hear my answers.
Customers/shoppers dropping things off 5 feet from where they go when they change their mind. (I don’t like it but understand it some when it’s from the opposite side of the store, but two steps from where you are!?!?)
Anyone walking around the store with their phone on speaker, shouting a conversation to their phone the entire time. Of course they linger in the department longer than most also because they are barely paying attention to what they’re looking for!