What’s your favorite state-management library for React?

Redux, Zustand, Recoil, Jotai, Tanstack Query, etc…

I’m building an app and the current solution is starting to become a spaghetti-mess of state logic.

I was going to reach for Redux (RTK), but it always feels so bulky. This is the first time I’ve looked into other options, and they all look really cool!

I’m interested to hear from people who have some experience with these other libraries before I make a decision.

For context: I’m building the edit mode for an app where users can make blog posts. A single blog is fetched from the server and rendered to the page, but then individual sections should be editable. Ideally, the entire story doesn’t re-render every time the user adds or edits a section, but that functionality seems hard to achieve when storing the entire story as a single object in state. Also, I want to incorporate undo/redo actions eventually.

Right now, I’m leaning towards something “Atom based” like Jotai with Tanstack-Query for handling server state…