What would you want from a modern monastic movement?

I think it’s a shame we lost monasteries to the need for incessant cannon fodder in the west, and in America the closest we ever got to a mass movement was the campaign against urbanism and masturbation that got us modern breakfast cereals.

I use the term “monastic” very loosely just to keep any major theologies off my back and distinguish it from some orientalized Eat Pray Love ashram for the future and post wine mom crowd once they get tired of Swiftomania. Only partly on aesthetic grounds, but more because they have a place in society. This would be for the listless NEETs, underemployed e-girls—the dregs of culture basically. Which is to say there would ideally be eating praying etc, and some component where they were sent to work the fields for food. But what else would you think beneficial in such an institution? I might really go do this, finding crazy people with land and property outside major metros. The Belgians already make beer, but we have no shortage of IPAs in this country, so this would need to be more interesting—saisons at the very least. The Black Mountain school is another point of inspiration, but ideally less pretentious. Monks used to make illuminated manuscripts, but the NEETs here could be tasked with either similar meditative work or more “useful” stuff. I had an idea for a service that would track the entire eco impact of one’s life (all purchases etc) in terms of terrible multiples of either current or historical societies that were more in harmony with the earth. This could be a place to make things that were less “monetized” but still very beneficial. I realize this is written in unserious terms, but if you were to tune in and drop out of contemporary society for a bit at such a place, what would you ideally do?