Is the live action "How To Train Your Dragon" movie the best example of Hollywood stupidity?

The original films are good, and I had a visceral reaction to watching the trailer for the live action film that's being released next year. It's the same exact movie. Even the dragons still look like cartoony dragons, instead of "realistic" ones.

The only change that they did make, so far, is they changed the character Astrid, who was a white (obviously) Norse Viking and the love interest of the main character, to a black Norse Viking instead.

The 2019 Lion King was weird to watch, since it was essentially a shot-for-shot remake of the original. The 1999 Psycho was weird to watch, since it was a shot-for-shot remake of the original. In my opinion, this one takes the cake considering that it's still SO attached to the original that it is still borrowing elements from the animated movie, such as keeping the dragons the exact same.

The best part is that the original animated film was based on a book series that is very different from the movies. The remake had an opportunity to tell a different story and still reap in the nostalgia, but no. 1:1 remake it is.