politically intelligent [americans], how fucked are we, really?

i’m on mobile so sorry if i fuck anything up.

not to add to the recent doomposting or whatever but as someone who isn’t quite politically savvy - and i mean i don’t really know how much the government works besides the basics - how fucked are we as americans really? i see different people saying it’s fine and other people saying everything is about to go to shit.

in general i’m not feeling great as a 22 year old trying to move out and every 1 br apartment in my area is $1200 a month and they require you to make 3x that every month to qualify. and every single job that doesn’t require you to have a degree or 5+ years experience pays $15/hr at most (like $2k a month). tried the whole college thing but had to drop out this past summer because it ends up i couldn’t afford that either but parents also don’t make enough to help pay - because why would student aid actually go to the students who need it? i feel like most people my age (22) relate to some part of that - can’t find a good paying job, housing too expensive, degree required to make more money costs too much, etc.

not to make everything about me but i genuinely can’t imagine things getting worse than this. so i’m kind of just asking for a potentially more intelligent person to explain - how worried should i be? should i be “my life is fucked and i’m stuck at my parents’ until i die or get 8 roommates” worried or like, “things will suck for a few years but they’re also fixable” worried?