Older players, where are you?

Server code: lullabys

If you want to personally add me, my username is starisix on discord! I feel like it's always a struggle when it comes to making friends on Roblox. You find someone you think is cool in one of those 17+ games and then add them outside of roblox and then never talk again. I've had this happen multiple times and it sucks. I also noticed that they only play thess 17+ experiences and that's it. I've been playing on roblox ever since I was 12, I'm 20 now and i do still play games outside of 17+ experiences because they are still really fun and are especially fun with friends. I decided that I wanted to put effort into making something where these players can come together. Players who struggle to make friends, players who are older and still play games that aren't just for 17+ users. I made a server exactly for this and I am planning to keep it alive as long as I can. Every week I will host an event on Saturday so that we can come together and have fun!

I hope to see you there!