Thoughts on In Person Meetings?

30s, M, working in Life Sciences with CapEx Equipment

Okay I know this may be a contentious topic in the sales community but at least in my position, selling CapEx (100-650K instruments) to the life science industry, I do NOT think in person helps all that much and I also think my company needs to stop using this as an evaluation to determine parts of commission.

I know, I know, In person is different than online, but hear me out:

  1. My clients, overwhelmingly, do not want to talk. And as a scientist myself semi-recently, I understand why. The last thing I really want to do is meet with my local sales rep when I don't have the time or the budget.

  2. The antiquated "just bring you clients out for dinner" mentality my leadership is imposing is fine, but it does NOT help them find the hundreds of K needed to actually purchase.

  3. In person wellness checks don't do what they used to, pre-pandemic. I'm one of those people who isn't super nostalgic for the old days. Times are changing, and if my clients don't want to meet, I'm not going to force them to.

Now this is not to say I don't try to get in person meetings - I do, and I consistently bribe folks with pastries in order to do so, until management said due to budget cuts, I can't buy them lunch or pastries anymore. I think In Person meetings have a good benefit when the timing and situation are right. But holding part of my commissions hostage based on how many in person meetings I get is ridiculous.

Rant over, tear me a new one if you'd like, just the musings of an opinionated sales rep a bit fed up with what I think is an antiquated mentality that does not change the overall results ($$$)