I have the flu. What's the call out policy?

Hey so I got the flu. I feel so dizzy and lightheaded. I can't leave my bed without stumbling around and feeling like om going to faint

I keep track of all my callouts from the last year (all sickness related): Jan. 16th 2025 Nov. 30th 2024 Oct. 15th 2024 April 16th 2024

I just don't know the partner sumtpm check thing and lime the definite "if you have these call out" sicknesses. I open tomorrow at 4AM and im scared kf my boss. Does anybody know if I can safely call out without any lashback?

Edit: I called my store and the shift told me that I needed a doctors note. He brushed me off and told me to come in tomorrow. I texted my SM and she just said: "okay"........... so I'm not going in tomorrow? I think? I hope I don't get in trouble.

My entire family is sick with the flu and so is my girlfriend funnily enough. I don't have anybody available to drive me to a clinic to get a note nor do I feel comfortable driving. I also don't need to waste the money because it isn't hard to tell when EVERYBODY around you has the flu and you match the symptoms that you have the flu... Fml..